Sewage Ejector Inspection
Sometimes called “lift pumps” sewage ejectors could be installed for a whole house or just a one or more fixtures. Sometimes servicing a basement or below grade bathroom or utility room. Sewage ejectors are necessary when the fixtures are below the main sewer or septic system. Sewage ejectors use a grinder pump located in a crock or sump. The pump is activated by a float switch. Some sewage ejectors are just for waste water and do not have a grinder pump. They are usually located at a utility or slop sink.
The sewage ejector should have a sealed lid on it and be accessible. The discharge pipe should be at least 2 inches in diameter. The vent pipe should be at least 1 ½ inch, however many municipalities recommend a 2 inch pipe is used. Air admittance valves are not approved. Although during a visual home inspection, an inspector is limited to turning on the water and listening to ensure the sewage ejector system responds and does not leak, there are other things a home inspector should be looking for like:
- The discharge pipe should connect to the top of the horizontal main DWV using a wye connection sweeping the proper orientation
- There should be a back flow or check valve in the horizontal position or at a 45 degree angle with the valve pivot on top
- The ejector should be plugged into a GFCI protected outlet
- For units that are direct wired; the circuit should be GFCI protected
- The crock should be 18 inches in diameter and 24 inches deep
- The cover should be sealed
- A minimum of a 2 inch gate valve should be installed in close proximity below the main DVW and after the check valve
- The system should be vented to the atmosphere
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